Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why effective communication skills are important to me.

Communication is an essential skill for successful workplace and personal relationships. Communication inevitably has the power to build or destroy relationships. By this, it is really important to learn and practice the art of communication.

As an undergraduate who applies for jobs, I will need good communication skills to make sure my application letter stands out and is acted upon. Also, during interviews I would be able to communicate well so as to market myself and secure the job. As a greenhorn in any workplace, I want to keep in check with myself that I would not be stepping on any others’ toes because of poor communication skills that could lead to misunderstandings. Also being able to interact well and build a rapport with colleagues, expressing ideas and suggestions clearly would aid in performing at my job.

In terms of personal relationships, being tactless or clueless about communicating could scar or even break relationships and on this point, I think that by first practicing active listening is a key point in forming a connection with that person and only by fully understanding the subject and feelings of the person can one continue the communication process perhaps by reflecting on personal experiences and then providing appropriate feedback. In saying so, communication actually occurs simultaneously between the listener and the speaker.
By learning the skills needed to communicate effectively, it can be used to positively influence all sorts of interactions. As a starter, I think that we first have to realize that we are all different in the way we perceive things, that is, we all have our own internal belief systems and this is a crucial point in communication with others.


  1. Hi Germaine,
    Agreeing your point that interpersonal skills is vital to networking, it also serves to help one lives a happier and more fulfilling life as supportive relationships build our psychological health.
    Moreover, it is an art that does not have a definite answer to all interpersonal problems. As the lecturer has pointed out, there is no real cookie cutter approach that one size fits all.

  2. Hey Germaine,
    I agree with your last point, that we should accept that we are all different, especially in our personal filters. Sometimes I tend to forget this point, and experience slight friction in communication, especially with people I have just met.

    And I relate to your fears of being a fresh undergraduate and facing the working world with (limited) communication skills we already have. I guess this module will help us look at communication in a different light, and enable us to get rid of such fears.

    - Keerthani :)

  3. Hi Germaine,

    Your ideas are really intense on the subject of communication but so true. We all have fears as to whether we will get along in a new workplace so to say and I do agree that this module should prepare you well.

    However, the point that struck me the most was the second one on the role of active listening in personal relationship. Be it personal or business I do agree with you that active listening is so important in relationship building. There is nothing more frustrating than when a person tunes off when you are saying something important. Do you continue or change the subject? Awkward!

    Ha ha anyway I shall leave you at that and hope you learn everything you are out to learn in the module.


  4. Thank you, Germaine, for this reflective first post. You focus well on your own comm skill needs, with your ideas being clear and concise.

    I do wonder about this statement: "We all have our own internal belief systems..." That may be true, but don't we also share such systems with many members of our community/society? So why so many communication breakdowns?

    Aside from that, there are a few language problems here:

    1) keep in check with myself >>> reflect on my actions

    2) that person >>> people

    3) By learning the skills needed to communicate effectively, it can >>> Learning the skills needed to communicate effectively can....

    Please review these. I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  5. Hey Germaine!

    My reasons for improving on my communication are similar too. I too am in the process of applying job and can't wait to start working. This bring me to the very first sentence of your blog. I was wondering whether the word "Good" needed to be inserted before the start this sentence: "Communication skills is an essenetial skill...". Or is it implicit that you are referring to 'good' communication skills?

    Also, I am a little doubtful of the verb tense of the first sentence of the second para, "As an undergraduate who applies for jobs...", used. Assuming that you are still in the job application process, I believe the verb tense should be present continuous. In which case the sentence would be something like "As an undergraduate who *is applying* for..".

    Also, the first sentence of the third para is a little lenghty. There are various different points (and clauses as highlighted in the 7Cs lecture:) in a singular line. Breaking it down into numerous sentences would make it easier for the reader to follow your train of thought.

    I could very much be wrong in my pointers above, but based on my knowledge, thought I would just highlight these.
    All imho :)
