Sunday, April 18, 2010

Final reflections

This school term has come to an end and so has ES2007S.When i reflect on what i had taken away from this module, i think the decision to take up this module was a good one and i would recommend others to take up in future. I have not spoken so much, probably in my entire university education, of course except for idle talk with friends during lectures. I think this module has adequately created an awareness of aspects of communication like active listening, non-verbals,intercultural and even writing of email or letter correspondences. i have become more aware of all these factors and this would be something for me to take note of and work on in having effective communications with others. The only pity was that the different aspects of effective communication could only be touched on briefly, with the heavy workload that has to be incorporated within a semester of work because the various topics have definitely left me hungry for more in dwelling into them as the art of communication is always so interesting.

This module has also offered many interactions within the class, like the peer teaching and the oral presenation. Through it i get to collaborate with different people and these practices were wonderful as throughout these projects, unknowingly maybe, we got to practice several communication skills like negotiating with members, being assertive when there's a need to,active listening, empathizing and many..

Assignments like application and resume letter writing was useful especially when we shared and saw other letters to gain more perspectives and skills to take note of when writing such formal documents. i thought blogging was a good and interactive way to get people to communicate and share their ideas and we also definitely had to have good time management to take note of the tight timeline with regards to that.

I liked how this module was conducted seminar style and i think i have really seen, heard and learn alot from this class. By observing and taking note of how some really natural and good speakers do in class and on the other hand, taking in positively how some flaws could be corrected, i think i have gained alot from 2 avenues. Also, reflecting back on the very first lesson, where there was perhaps a little of reservation and awkwardness, i thought i had opened up more and tried to become more expressive at the end of this all, with the constant engagement required of us during class. I think its always hard to speak up, the concern if your comments sound right or necessary just makes it easier to just keep quiet and not say anything, and i think this is what draws the line between a confident speaker and an adequate one. I think it is this self-consciousness that eats up into a person's confidence and rather to say that people often make judgements of others, in this aspect, we often first make a judgement on how people will judge us and this is what preventing us from having the courage to speak up.

To end, i want to thank Brad and every classmates for having made this learning experience a wonderful one.
To all those who are graduating: All the best in your career
To all those whom are not: All the best in future exams and hang on!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ha ha.
    Yes I guess the last line would apply to me. I will have to hang in there.

    Wow Germaine. This post is really philosophical. It shows your depth of thought and you have beautifully drawn out the reason why most of us prefer to remain in our own private world. But yes as we have said numerous times this semester, we cannot and most probably will not live in isolation so we have to communicate whether we want to or not.

    And after going through this course, it is not that hard really is it?

    I am glad that you have managed to learn much from this course and so have I. These are skills that will follow us on throughout life so congratulations to us smart souls who decided to take this course.

    Lastly, all the best with your future career.


  3. Hi Germaine,

    I can see from your final blog post that you have a very good impression of this course. I think all of us really shared the same sentiments as you.

    I like the way you looked rather deeply into various takeaways from this module and linked them up with your inner thoughts and feelings. I agree with you that throughout the course, you have shown incremental courage in speaking up more often in class to elucidate your wonderful ideas. I hope that you can keep it up and I think this is something that is going to be very useful for all of us when we enter the workplace.


  4. Thank you very much, Germaine, for this comprehensive final reflection. You explain many of the reasons why you think you made the right decision to take this course (for which I am highly appreciative). I'm happy you could join us and, in your own words, have the chance to speak more than in any other module during your uni education.

    Now is the time for you to practice what we have covered in class. Best of luck with that and with your other future endeavors!

  5. Hey Germaine,
    I agree that sometimes it is difficult to speak in class due to unfound reservations. I guess through this course, we have reaped the benefits of speaking up more, and actively listening which are both aspects of effective communication.

    I agree with you that this module has many benefits that we would find useful in our future careers. It was great working with you for the peer teaching session. All the best for your exams!:)

  6. Hi Germaine,

    I am so happy to be in the same group with you and thank you so much for your help when we were doing the project.

    Although you wrote that you did not speak that much in your entire university education, I think that you are a good communicator as most of the comments that you give are so real and useful. Thus I believe that you would be a good teacher. All the best to you.

    Xian Rui
